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Jumping jacks (30 seconds)
Toe touches (30 seconds)
Side plank (30 seconds each side)
Plank hold (1 minute)
Plank hip hips (30 seconds)
Child's pose to Upward Dog (30 seconds)
Supermans (30 seconds)
Cross crunches (30 seconds)
Rainbow legs (30 seconds each side)
Cat cow (30 seconds, move that spine around)
Crunches with knees open (30 seconds)
Balancing table top (30 seconds each side)
Mountain climbers (30 seconds)
Runner's lunge with hamstring stretch (30 seconds each side)
Crow pose (if you can do it, 30 seconds). If you're not comfortable with Crow pose, go ahead and skip.
Repeat 3-5 times! Go get em!
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